Find Balance

Society idolises people who live unbalanced lives.

June 18, 2021

Society idolises people who live unbalanced lives.

The entrepreneur who barely sleeps. The athlete who sacrifices relationships to win. The celebrity who gives up integrity for fame.

But these people are often the least happy. They struggle with addiction, hurt those around them, and divorce their partners - because they lack internal balance.

Instead of idolising these people we should idolise those who achieve incredible things whilst maintaining balance.

Living better requires long term balance.

Balanced consumption and creation.

Balanced health and wealth.

Socialising and learning.

The present and the future.

Work and play.

In the short term things will be unbalanced. Sometimes you need to focus more on work, other times you need to prioritise health. But long term you need to focus on balance.

From political views to physical health, all bad things come from extremes.

Living a balanced life requires the pain of discipline, to avoid the pain of regret.

How do you ensure you're living a balanced life?