Keep it Simple, Stupid

Keep it simple, stupid [K.I.S.S] is a design principle that states most systems work best if they are kept simple, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

September 15, 2020

On the surface, this seems obvious right? Finding the path of least resistance is the best way to approach anything in life. You'd much rather be swimming downstream than up.

But so few of us put this principle into practice. We spend our time swimming upstream making things as difficult as possible because we think that's what's needed to be 'successful'.

There are three core reasons for this inability to keep it simple:

1. Accepting Societal Norms - Without questioning societal norms we're fooled into thinking the way things are 'done' is the best way. But this is rarely the case. When you challenge the status quo you will often yield higher rewards from less but smarter work.

2. Our brains love complexity - Simplicity is pretty boring for our brains. We tend to thrive on complexity because we associate complexity as being superior. When in actual fact this is just a faulty mental model we have of how the world works. The dopamine our brains produce from figuring out complex solutions is often harmful because it can make motion more appealing than action.

3. Superman complex - As entrepreneurs, creators and doers having a superman complex is pretty common especially in the beginning. You believe that everything is your responsibility, you take on more and more until things are so complex they start to break down.

As Morgan Housel states "If you fiddle with fewer knobs, make fewer decisions, and you make it more simple, you will on average, do much better over time"

The problem with complexity is that it's fragile. Anything complex has a much higher risk of breaking down when faced with randomness and uncertainty. And randomness and uncertainty are ever-present.

Simple systems are much more robust. Even antifragile in some cases as they can withstand and occasionally even thrive in uncertainty.

Success comes from surviving. The best businesses, investors and writers survive long enough to become a success. Their processes, systems and business models need to be robust enough to stand the test of time.

Simple system survive, complex system do not.

How to keep it simple

Somewhat counterintuitively complexity is easier to achieve than simplicity.

To keep things simple you need to think clearly, and intentionally work on avoiding complexity.

You have to think through what you're doing until you have the clarity to design simple systems and processes that are robust.

“You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.” - Steve Jobs

Often times you may leave a little on the table. Sure you could be 5% more efficient following some fancy complex system but that change will often make you more fragile. And rewards come from surviving.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” - Hans Hoffman

Every time you're making a decision look for the simplest way to do it. Simplicity leads to action. Action leads to results.