Screw it. Let's do it!

Finding success in any area of life requires a combination of thousands of tiny skills.

March 21, 2022

Finding success in any area of life requires a combination of thousands of tiny skills.

Our differences in skillset is what make us unique, but there are a few keystone skills that are required for success in any pursuit.

Perhaps the most important skill is confidence. Without it you'll probably never get started and if you do it's likely you won't persevere long enough to see the rewards.

Whether you're building a business, starting a podcast or getting in shape, you need to adopt a 'Screw it. Let's do it.' kind of attitude. A bias towards taking action in the face of uncertainty.

While confidence does not guarantee success, it is a pre-requisite. Without the confidence to persevere, to blindly commit to something, you’ll never make it happen.