Complexity Bias
Complexity Bias
Hey there, happy Sunday!
Whenever faced with multiple options to solve a problem we're likely to choose the most complex solution. This is known as the complexity bias.
As a result, when we're looking to solve a problem, we ignore simple solutions (thinking 'that will never work') and instead favour the most complex solutions.
Adding complexity helps us to feed our ego. Using complex jargon makes us feel like we have authority on a topic and following complex routines makes us feel like we're doing life right.
But an inability to distill a topic down into simple terms and systems is usually a sign of naivety.
In this weeks video I talk about how the complexity bias affects morning routines and share my simple, robust routine 👇🏼
Four Finds
Play your own game
In this post Morgan Housel talks about the importance of playing your own game in investing.
He says that most people see investing as a single game. Viewing it as a single game makes you think that every deviation from the rules and strategies are wrong.
Yet most investors are playing completely different games. In the same way that powerlifters and ultramarathon runners are both athletes, day traders and venture capitalists are both investors.
Because all athletes are playing wildly different games, it becomes obvious that they shouldn't follow the same rules and strategies or build the same skills.
This lesson applies to any industry, highlighting the importance to define exactly what game you're playing in life and then to only play that game.
I first tried Descript back in 2018 just after they first launched and it was rather underwhelming. But as I have gotten further into the world of video and audio recently I thought I'd give it another go.
And what they've managed to build so far is incredible. It makes basic editing simple and the transcription is the best I've used. The platform also has the ability to auto-remove filler words like 'erm' and 'uhm'.
I still think there is a lot of room for tools to develop in this space, because Video still has high barriers to entry, but Descript seems the most likely to build the future of this space.
The Cook and the Chef: Musk’s Secret Sauce
(Article / Ebook)
Elon Musk is fascinating. While it's easy to get distracted by his marketing stunts and meme shit posting. The way he operates is on another level.
I'm only partway through this post/ebook but so far it's a great look at Elon's operating system.
Not niching down
This is the perfect example of playing your own game and something that I'm thinking about more and more with my own projects.
One Idea
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." — Confucius
End Note
If you enjoyed this edition of the Sunday Filter then I’d love it if you could share it with a few friends. You can send them over here to sign up or share on Twitter.
Have a great week!
- Stephen